Focus Areas & Services

Empowerment / Training to:

  • Staff of GPAPD and member organisations.
  • Board of Management Members.
  • Sub-committee members.
  • Protective Workshops / Project Members.
  • Promote transparent and accountable financial management.

Organisational Development assist members to:

  • Ensuring proper administrative structures are in place.
  • Maintaining documents required by legislation and donors/funders.
  • Drawing up and implementing relevant policy documents and proving guidance in positive labour practices.

Awareness/Education/Sensitisation to:

  • Eliminate discrimination/prejudices regarding people with disabilities.
  • Create an understanding of the needs of persons with disabilities and responding appropriately.
  • Utilise the full potential and skills of persons with disabilities, promoting independence (e.g. employment opportunities).
  • Promoting accessibility to persons with disabilities in terms of housing, transport, conference centres, hotels etc. (Universal Design). Access audits and advice on making your building accessible is also available from GPAPD. Quotations provided on request.

Social Work Services include Poverty Alleviation:

  • Promote training and marketing opportunities for sale of items made by persons with disabilities e.g. through our shop at Gold Reef City.
  • Referrals and assistance in accessing state grants and pensions.

The training is a 1-day training programme which costs R250 per person (negotiable). The cost includes theoretical training on probable causative factors, experiential training (e.g. how does it feel to be blind) a copy of the training manual and attendance certificates.


  • For improved conditions and opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  • Oppose policies and unfair practices.
  • Developing legislation that will uplift the lives of people with disabilities and their families.
  • Improving the working conditions of social workers and other staff employed in the NGO Sector.
Care and Support service:
  • Supportive / Counseling services.
  • Assessment / Securing mobility aids etc.
  • Statutory services.
  • Group work (sharing / learning).
  • Info on their particular disability and coping skills.

Issues of parking discs/ beach permits/motor vehicle rebates:

This service is available from GPAPD and information on the advantage, procedure and cost is available upon request.